Pneumoconiosis is the name for a wide range of lung diseases caused by inhaling different kinds of dust. People who work in dusty environments such as miners, foundry workers, stone cutters, ship builders and construction workers are at most risk.
The main types of pneumoconiosis are Asbestosis, Byssinosis (also known as ‘Brown Lung Disease’), Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis (also known as ‘Black Lung’), Kaolin Pneumoconiosis, Siderosis (also known as ‘Welder’s Lung’) and Silicosis. The inhalation of different types of dust increases the risk of developing a particular type of Pneumoconiosis.
Silicosis is a type of pneumoconiosis and a rare and incurable disease caused by the inhalation of silica dust. There are several types of silicosis, namely, Chronic Silicosis (caused by long-term exposure), Accelerated Silicosis (caused by a higher level of exposure to silica dust over a shorter period of time) and Acute Silicosis (caused after a short period of exposure to very high levels of silica dust).
Symptoms include shortness of breath, persistent cough, cyanosis, bronchitis and emphysema. If you believe you are suffering from Pneumoconiosis or Silicosis you should seek medical advice immediately from your doctor. If you are awarded Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit for your asbestos-related Pneumoconiosis, you may be entitled to a one-off lump sum payment from the government.
Zen Law Solicitors are experienced industrial disease lawyers and experts in tracing old employers (even if you are struggling to remember who these were, we can still trace them) or their insurers to help you bring your claim and maximise your compensation.
If you have been diagnosed with Pneumoconiosis or Silicosis as a result of your working environment, complete our Online Enquiry Form and one of our lawyers will contact you to discuss how you can make a claim for your injuries.