Umran Aziz


Umran is an experienced solicitor with years of experience in handling a wide range of Fast Track and Multi Track claims.  Umranhas worked at highly-specialised Claimant practiceswhich have enabled him to acquire the necessary expertise to conduct Road Traffic Accident (RTA) claims.  Umran is tactically astute in handling such claims to conduct matters with a view to issuing court proceedings against the Defendant at the earliest possible stage.

Umran has also handled Employer’s Liability, Occupier’s Liability and Public Liability matters both from a Claimant and Defendant perspective.  Accordingly, he is well-placed to assess the merits of each claim to take a balanced view on what matters ought to be run all the way up to Trial if necessary.Umran is an expert in handling these types of claims and is always at hand to talk to clients about their concerns.

Umran’s experience in Personal Injury is vast and he has handled a wide range of claims and settled matters with a lower than average prospect of success. Umran has handled a multitude of matters from the ‘cradle to the grave’ and has administrated all aspects of claims handling.  He provides sound technical advice in plain terms and adopts a pragmatic approach with the Defendants in order to reach settlement of the cases as quickly as possible.

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